경매기간: 응찰 후 10일이내(공휴일 제외) 오후 5시까지 Auction period: Within 10 days after bidding(excluding public holidays) until successful bid
근현대 평면작품 Modern and Contemporary Flat art works
미응찰 응찰이 안된 작품/ 응찰중 1명 이상 응찰한 작품 / 낙찰완료응찰된 날부터 10일의 기간을 두고 마지막 응찰된 작품
Unbiddenworks that have not been bid on / Currently biddingworks that have been bid on by more than one person / Successful bid work submitted to the last bid within 10 days from the date of bid
화폐단위: 원 Monetary Unit: KRW
미응찰 응찰이 안된 작품 / 응찰중 1명 이상 응찰한 작품 / 낙찰완료응찰된 날부터 10일의 기간을 두고 마지막 응찰된 작품
Unbidden works that have not been bid on / Currently bidding works that have been bid on by more than one person / Successful bid work submitted to the last bid within 10 days from the date of bid